Who We've Supported

A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world
— Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him (570-632 CE)


Bridging Freedom:

Their mission is to combat minor sex-trafficking by bringing restoration to those rescued as well as victim prevention. Their therapeutic safe home campus community provides long-term, comprehensive care to these victims in a safe environment.

Girls and Boys Club of Tampa Bay:

They aim to enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. They do this by providing a physical space as well as mentoring and activities for at-risk youth.

Wheelchairs 4 Kids

They are dedicated to improving the lives of children with physical disabilities by providing wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications, as well as other assistive equipment at no charge to children who have been denied by Medicaid and insurance. 

Red Crescent Clinic

Located on the ISTABA campus, the clinic provides free healthcare to anyone who needs it, regardless of race or religion. These include unfunded, undocumented, and uninsured patients. Doctors volunteer their time to provide free patient care. 

The Spring

The Spring’s mission is to prevent domestic violence, protect victims, and promote change in lives, families, and communities. It provides a safe haven and comprehensive supportive services to abused adults and their children. They provide food, shelter, and childcare while abused women work to stand up on their own feet.


ECHO’s mission is to assist in crisis with emergency food and clothing to offer access to life-stabilizing programs and resources. They provide one week’s worth of food, seven outfits per family member and community resources to get families back on their feet. 

Oasis Pregnancy Center

They provide pregnancy testing, ultrasound, and counseling with the goal of carrying to term. They also provide funding for cribs, car seats, and breast pumps. 

ICNA Relief

ICNA Relief alleviates human suffering by providing caring and compassionate service to victims of adversities and survivors of disasters. They are hoping to construct a pilot green “Tiny Home Transitional Village” for women and children. 

Stay in step:

After a tragic injury in 2008 left her husband paralyzed from the neck down the founder of Stay in Step realized the need for long term rehabilitation services in the Tampa Bay Area. Stay in Step offers intensive outpatient therapy for individuals after a neurological injury such as a stroke, spinal cord injury or brain injury. They provide physical and emotional support for patients and their families. In addition they are currently establishing a program to provide support and guidance for the caregivers of the injured patient. 

Smile Faith Foundation:

The power of a smile is often taken for granted but Smile Faith recognizes the empowering feeling a great smile can give an individual. They offer affordable quality comprehensive dental care for people who may not have otherwise been able to afford care.

The laundry project:

Offering help and dignity through clean laundry the Laundry Project offers free laundry service in a local laundromat once a month. The people they assist are often homeless, low income families or individuals.

They typically serve 30-40 families approximately 150-200 individuals and clean over 300 loads of laundry on any given Saturday. 

Cair Florida:

CAIR is the largest civil rights organization in Florida. They are raising funds for a proactive education program for Law Enforcement in Tampa. To date they have educated 5000 officers on cultural and religious sensitivities to enhance the community police relations.

Project prosper:

Project Prosper seeks to provide financial empowerment and literacy for refugees and immigrants throughout Tampa Bay. They provide education and mentorship for indivials and families to learn about the financial system in the US. From the basics of a bank vs. a credit union to managing debt and credit scores Project Prosper aims to equip newcomers to this country with a strong financial foundation.

International Association of eating disorders Professionals:

The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals or IAEDP is a collection of professionals that aim to bring continuing education and networking connections for professionals that care for people in treatment for eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binging and purging.  Over 30 million people in the US face the challenge of living with an eating disorder and IAEDP supports the people who provide their treatment and therapeutic support.

Girls Scouts of west florida:

Girl Scouts provides opportunities for girls ages 6-17 to learn incredible life skills through civic activities, and group programs. Girls are taught the importance of teamwork and encouraged to step outside of their comfort zone to achieve greatness.

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida offers an outreach program for underprivileged girls who may not have otherwise been able to participate in the many activities offered.

Currently serving over 2500 girls with donated funds our funds would be used to continue to allow the girls to participate in Girl Scout activities.

My Sisters Helper:

A local home for women that are abandoned, abused, and neglected in Tampa. My Sisters Helper provides safe shelter, food, career counseling, support, and many other services to assist women as they find their footing again after challenging circumstances.